Hunter Myers is the founding creative director and lead designer at Verdure Design Co., where they have a human-centered approach to branding and graphic design.

Today Hunter is sharing how you can build a strong brand by "dating" your ideal buyers.

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May 15, 2023

169. Building a Strong Brand by "dating" Your Ideal Buyers with Hunter Myers

Trust your intuition for what is bringing you joy and what you feel is where you need to be.

A lot of businesses think about themselves, what they like, and what feels good to them.

By "dating" your ideal client you are putting in the same effort into understanding your ideal client as you would with a romantic partner. Learning their needs, wants, and desires.

Learn about your ideal clients by asking them questions like, what motivates them, what are they scared of, what do they love, and what do they hate.

Reach out to the people you've worked with who you would love to have 10 more clients just like them.

Or if you haven't worked with "dream" clients yet, think about a client that was "ok" and figure out what aspects of working with them you really liked.

Using client guides, questionnaires, and checklists to help them prepare for your services will help them connect and help you get to know your clients better.

If asking these questions sounds frightening, you're correct. It should. It's new. It's scary.

But every time you ask, you'll begin to feel more comfortable. Much like going on dates, the first one is usually pretty awkward, but after a few you really start to feel comfortable with them.


Find Hunter at:


Instagram: @verduredesignco

Free Mini-course: How to "Date" Your Buyers

How to Get Rich (Netflix)



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