Ashley is a wedding and family photographer based out of Nashville, Tennessee.

You should always give options to your clients to allow them to easily say yes. Offer the things that you value and have passion for. This allows people to feel the passion behind what you are offering and gives them a greater value received when they hire you.

February 28, 2022

104. Pricing So Your Clients Can Easily Say Yes with Ash Holstein

Sometimes we focus on the amount we want to charge for our services without looking at the wholistic view of your life. Family, Time off, Vacations, 9-5 Job, Kids, Spouse, all the things that make up the time in our days.

As your clientele changes to those with more money, they are also going to have different needs and different pain points in the client journey.

A great way to exceed your client’s expectations is gift giving. Ash talks about the gifts she brings to family sessions and also the gifts for wedding clients. Think of an experience that you would want and that matches your brand, and then share it with them.

Think about what would make your client comfortable and ready to say “yes" and then share that on social media, showcase that on your website and have client testimonials.

There is a big difference between price gouging and up-charging everything,

 Set up your pricing structure to allow for an “easy yes” from your clients. Breaking up the payments and services will help reduce sticker shock.

Don’t limit your clients by assuming they would say “no” to your prices and services.

There is room at the table for you, so raise your prices.

Look at your local market and see what people are spending on your services.

Then look at how much do you need to be sustainable, and then how much profit you need to make the salary you desire.
